The Assessmake21 multiplier event took place on June15-16 2022 in a school complex centrally located in Athens (Greece).
The school staff of the complex, teachers, educational advisors and representatives of the school community were invited to the event during these 2 days. This arrangement allowed Edumotiva to be in line with covid19 regulations and ensure the safe organization of the event.
The agenda included:
-Welcome note (Dimitris Alimisis, EDUMOTIVA)-Assessing 21st century skills in formal and non formal educational settings (Dimitris Alimisis, EDUMOTIVA)
-The assessmske21 digital tool: demonstration of the 2 interfaces (Chrissa Papasarantou, EDUMOTIVA)
-Experiences from pilot activities in makerspaces in Greece (Chrissa Papasarantou & Georgios Fragkakis)
-Open discussion and free experimentation of the tool (Coordinator: Dimitris Alimisis)
The event lasted 2 hours (each day) attracting the interest of more than 90 individuals (secondary school teachers, representatives of vocational education, educators/ trainers, educational advisors, head masters of secondary schools and more).
There was high interest in the developed results and the Assessmake21 digital solution while 30 participants requested accounts to have first hand experience of the tool. The participants recognised the added value of the Assessmake21 initiative and results and expressed their interest in using the tool in their teaching practices in the forthcoming school year.
Certificate of attendance was provided to all participants.

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