Tag: assessmake21

Innovative digital solutions to assess 21st century skills in makerspaces

Created with Sketch.

Multiplier event

ASSESSMAKE21 Final Conference and Dissemination Event ABOUT THE EVENT This end of project event is aimed at educators, facilitators of makerspaces and those interested in the development of 21st C Skills through making activities. As the Maker movement is increasingly adopted into Primary and Secondary schools and nonformal makerspaces, students have more opportunities to generate…
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Check our press release

We are pleased to announce that a new press release is now available. The press release summarizes important milestones reached during the past months of the project implementation period. Reference is also made to past and upcoming events. Click here to download the press release. It is also available in Swedish and Greek

Multiplier event in Cyprus

The Erasmus+ multiplier online event in Cyprus for Assessmake21 digital self-assessment tool is coming soon!  Are you an educator or makerspace facilitator? Are you interested in making?  Would you like to know how to promote self-assessment and help your students develop their 21st century skills while they are working in making activities?  If so, register…
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Assessmake21 on Scientix

Very proud to announce that our project has been published on the Scientix online platform. Scientix is the number one community for science education in Europe. It aims to promote and support a Europe-wide collaboration among STEM teachers, education researchers, policymakers and other educational stakeholders to inspire students to pursue careers in the field…
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ASSESSMAKE21 at Roboscientists conference

On October 11, 2021 Edumotiva team presented the ASSESSMAKE21 project at the Roboscientists virtual conference. The conference which was organised by the Technical University of Warsaw involved plenary sessions and practical workshops and attracted the interest of 230 individuals. The project objectives, context and results were presented in the conference by Rene Alimisi.

Video recordings now available

We are happy to inform you that the video records of our ASSESSMAKE21 training activity on our Youtube Channel!

Assessmake21 training successfully concluded

Our ASSESSMAKE21 Erasmus+ project virtual training (28-30.10.2021) has been successfully concluded. On 28-30 September 2021, EDUMOTIVA- European Lab for Educational Technology organised the 3-days virtual training with the participation of all partners (Learnovate, Cyprus Interaction Lab, Karlstaad University and Dublin City University) and an amazing group of teachers, educators and makerspace facilitators from Ireland, Greece,…
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Assessmake21 at HCII2021

As part of T29 Tutorial (T29: Shifting to Digital: Gamification in Course Design) at HCII2021,, the Cyprus Interaction Lab team Cyprus Interaction Lab presented the Assessmake21 project. Namely, the CYENS team has presented how *Gamification* has been used in the design of Assessmake21 app to support students’ progression as they self-reflect on the development…
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1st press release

The 1st press release with brief information about the ASSESSMAKE21 project is now available for distribution in English, Greek and Swedish.